Wednesday, September 15, 2010

tuesdays are short and sweet.

There was only one photo from last night, which was a blessing to me seeing as I didn't have to contort myself into weird corners to get all the right angles. Or balance myself on top of the toilet (thats a funny site to see, I promise you. Especially when I'm just snapping pictures and not actually using the bathroom). Tuesday kept it simple, with one picture...and one little drawing. I could comment on it, but I think it speaks for itself.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

camera catastrophe!

Dear Friends, 
I am an asshole. Last week's Bathroom pictures are lost to the wayside because,  like the idiot that I am, I deleted the pictures off my camera to make room for all the pics I was going to take over the weekend. Before uploading them to computer. Yup. I am the biggest idiot alive. Don't worry, there was nothing really too juicy on them (or atleast if there was I don't remember it thanks to the massive amounts of Bud Light consumed over the past week). I apologize and it will never happen again. I don't even have to save the pictures to my desktop anymore because I figured out how to load the pics onto the work laptop. Wait, what you say? I was an idiot but now I'm a genius? Eh. I'll take it. To make up for it, I have the pictures from last night. 

I promise I didn't cheat and take them an hour early because I was way too tired to function. 

Had to block out where Alli really lived, cause I don't want you crazies to go follow her around campus. Sheesh. 

Thank you for that lovely dick and balls picture dear customer, although at some point it kinda looks like it could be Gonzo's face? And nice to you that you love you! We don't have enough customers like that in here.

Well there's Lily's name, we knew that was coming. And the people who wrote the 'call for a good time' number already erased it. Thanks for saving me the work friends. I did love the 'Fuck Guys' though. I mean, that phrase could be taken in so many ways.

Long hair don't mother fucking care, 

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

wednesday, thursday, friday & saturday! [ 9.1.10 - 9.4.10]

Finally. I know I've slacked on this, but like I said...AC takes preference over booting up my desktop computer. Every freaking time. But this morning I finally woke up and managed to load all my pics on to the desktop, transfer them to the laptop, edit the shit out of them and upload them. Now its just a whole bunch of writing and sending it out into the Universe. So here we go, Enjoy!


Welp, Wednesday was a clusterfuck. I told you it was going to be. Chalk on top of chalk on top of chalk. So much I can't even comment on it. 


We only have one picture from Thursday night, which comes to us from Lily. Yes, that Lily from a few posts before. She drew me a lovely naked woman, with freaky arms and 'loose' lips. HA, thanks Lil. <3



Now lets just hope I can keep up with this thing. Where's Court!?


from the vault; part 2.

On Thursday night, I was sitting at the bar enjoying my nightly shift drink (even though I didn't actually work that day) when my friend Amanda came running up to me. "Krystle, you need to come in the bathroom right now!" She pointed out this little 'A' written very small near the window. Which she had written. In chalk. Last year. Apparently our cleaning people don't know to MOVE the curtains when you wipe off all the chalk. Weird how that works, right? I then got yelled at to never clean it off. Ever. Amanda wants to be a legacy in this place ;]

Now this one is my favorite "From the Vault" and for good reason. If you look closely at the board underneath the tv (which opens to reveal a buttload of chairs and random things) you can see faint chalk lines all over the damn thing. These marks have been up there for literally, four years. And why do I love it? Oh, it just happens to have the word 'Trampsquad' and all of my best friends. Someone told them that the board was a chalkboard, and with the chalk right next to them for the dart board, they decided to write all over it. We giggled when it happened, but I remember rushing to the bar the next day promising BossMan I would paint over it. Well that never happened, and Trampsquad will be forever apart of the bar...which I kind of don't hate! (sidenote? I love my best friends and hate the fact that we aren't downing $8 pitchers of rum and coke and $4 pitchers of miller lite on a nightly basis anymore. Whomp. Can we go back to Spring 2006 yet?)


Friday, September 3, 2010

well thats some major suckage.

I  KNOW, I KNOW. I'm slacking on this already..but I do have good reason, so hear me out. The past few days in Bwater have been scorching. Like, want to walk around in the least amount of clothing possible hot. Now, I live in this teeny apartment where I can't have my AC running and desktop computer on at the same time. I love you guys, but I love AC even  more. Sorry, thats just the way it is. Hopefully it will cool down a little this weekend so I can get on the old trusty desktop and post pictures from Wednesday til now! 


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

karaoke and...balloon animals? [8.31.10]

I apologize for this post coming so late on a Wednesday night, when I know y'all are pre-gaming and getting pretty for the night ahead. Or at least you should be, because tonight at the Bar is going to be awesome. Just saying. Anyways, last night was Alley Rae & Shanny D karaoke..and like always, those girls brought the pah-ty. There were balloon animals and glow sticks involved. Great, right?

I decided to call out the Tuesday night girls, and their response? "Tuesdays we drank so hard we need not pee!". Cute Alley, cute. I'll give you that, this girls do know how to drink. And dance. And sing. Some one also decided to declare how awesome lesbians are, and although I'm sure that some people would want them to go more into it, the didn't. Just left it with that and a smiley face exclamation point.

Then someone decided to draw this cute little...what? Hedgehog? It kinda looks like Sonic, but less spikely and not at all that bright blue color (if I had stocked the blue chalk, it might've been his cousin). I like when people get all artistic, even if I have no clue what they're trying to draw......

This is the kinda stuff that gets put on the Wall nightly. An ode to their friends that decided to come out with them on a Tuesday and be degenerates. Sigh. I miss college. 

Now the last picture has nothing to do with the women's bathroom, but the mens. A reader  (WAIT A DAMN SECOND. WE ACTUALLY HAVE THOSE?!) came up to me, told me how much he LOVED what I was doing, and told me to go take a look at what was in the men's bathroom. Toilet. Balloon Animal. 'Nuff Said. 

Now since its WACKY WEDNESDAY...I'm gonna go get ready to finish off my 13 hour day at the bar by serving copious amounts of $4 pitchers, test tube shots, jello shots and anything under the sun...that we have. Toodles!
