Tuesday, September 7, 2010

from the vault; part 2.

On Thursday night, I was sitting at the bar enjoying my nightly shift drink (even though I didn't actually work that day) when my friend Amanda came running up to me. "Krystle, you need to come in the bathroom right now!" She pointed out this little 'A' written very small near the window. Which she had written. In chalk. Last year. Apparently our cleaning people don't know to MOVE the curtains when you wipe off all the chalk. Weird how that works, right? I then got yelled at to never clean it off. Ever. Amanda wants to be a legacy in this place ;]

Now this one is my favorite "From the Vault" and for good reason. If you look closely at the board underneath the tv (which opens to reveal a buttload of chairs and random things) you can see faint chalk lines all over the damn thing. These marks have been up there for literally, four years. And why do I love it? Oh, it just happens to have the word 'Trampsquad' and all of my best friends. Someone told them that the board was a chalkboard, and with the chalk right next to them for the dart board, they decided to write all over it. We giggled when it happened, but I remember rushing to the bar the next day promising BossMan I would paint over it. Well that never happened, and Trampsquad will be forever apart of the bar...which I kind of don't hate! (sidenote? I love my best friends and hate the fact that we aren't downing $8 pitchers of rum and coke and $4 pitchers of miller lite on a nightly basis anymore. Whomp. Can we go back to Spring 2006 yet?)


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